Friday, May 23, 2014

Install rutorrent plugin on debian VPS

ruTorrent Plugins:

ruTorrent is a popular rTorrent webUI for it's variety of plugins. Plugins are very useful to customize ruTorrent web interface. Installing a plugin for ruTorrent is easy. In this tutorial, I am going to show you how to install a new plugin (_task plugin for exmple) for ruTorrent. In the same way, you can install other plugins too.

Installation procedure:

1. Login in your server with root access.
2. Navigate to the plugin directory

cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins

3. Now, find a direct download link for the plugin that you want to install and download it to your server. I found a direct link for _task plugin by Googling.
4. After download, extract it with tar command
tar xfzv _task-3.4.tar.gz
5. Now, you can delete the downloaded acrchive
rm task-3.4.tar.gz
Done. You have successfully installed the plugin for ruTorrent  seedbox.

Installing ffmpeg in seedbox:

In some plugins, ffmpeg codec is neede. In that case, you have to install this codec in 
your server. To install this codec, run the following command.
apt-get install ffmpeg
Done. Reboot your server or restart your seedbox to take effect.

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