Nginx is a web server software which is very popular for
handling high traffic and security. It's a lightweight , powerful web server
and reverse proxy server. Also it uses for email proxy. Nginx consumes less RAM
than other web server softwares. It's ideal web server for CMS (content
management system) specially for WordPress because it has a better
caching ability and very fast.
1. Turn off Apache web server at first.
/etc/init.d/apache2 stop
2. Remove apache webserver from auto start script so that it could not start again
update-rc.d -f apache2 remove
3. Install Nginx with APC (Alternative PHP Cache:-will be
used later for improving site's caching performance).
apt-get install nginx php-apc
4. Start NGINX
/etc/init.d/nginx start
service nginx start
5.Install Nginx plugin for virtualmin
apt-get install webmin-virtualmin-nginx
If your nginx configuration file is single then follow the following steps:
1. Go to Webmin tab > Servers> Nginx webserver &
click "Module config"
2. Enter the configuration like below image & click save
3. Click "Apply Nginx Configurtion.
You have successfully installed NGINX on your debian VPS.
You have successfully installed NGINX on your debian VPS.
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